Our Mission

The California Autism Network is dedicated to providing all-encompassing support and services to adolescents and adults with autism so that they can work towards a life of independence through individualized skill training, education support, and meaningful employment.


We provide a network of individuals who interactively participate in intensive skill training as a team. This model is designed not only to foster personal and professional growth, but to develop supportive relationships within the autism community as well.


Through skill and interest assessment, our network establishes the building blocks of training and support to provide our clients with skills they need to foster and pursue their own interests in daily life, education, or in a career.


Facilitation of post-secondary goal success is provided through connection with the campus support systems, tools and accommodations, as well as the skills needed to thrive in the college environment. Through self-management and self-advocacy training, our college students are set up for success from the beginning.


Intensive training involving work-readiness and interview skills ensures that our clients are well prepared to enter the workforce as confident and successful professionals. Through this process, provided resume and application assistance, and work experience opportunities, our network is committed to finding meaningful employment for those seeking it.